Sunday, October 5, 2008

Update on Hubby

Here's the latest....Raymond's last blood work was good except for his tryglicerides - forgive the spelling -which were 800. Supposed to be less than 100 I think. That could be because he had two hamburgers and a milkshake yesterday evening. They are keeping him in the observation room today and will do a stress test tomorrow. He says he is still having some minor pains, but nothing like yesterday. My mother-in-law is with him now. I am heading for a nap as soon as I'm finished updating. I'll stay with him tonight. (I WILL take my own pillow with me. LOL!) Thank you again for your prayers. I'm asking God to give the doctors and nurses wisdom to know and find out exactly what is wrong. Severe chest pains just aren't normal. I'll update again when I have something new. Thank you for your prayers!

In Him,
Drewe Llyn

1 comment:

Rhonda Jeanne said...

Praying for his recovery. Keep us posted.