Sunday, July 15, 2007

Saturday in Baltimore

Saturday was slated as our official free day. We actually had a lot more free time than anticipated. Much of that was due to some poor communication. (But that's all I'll say here about it.) In some ways I think our time and energy could have been better utilized, yet, I still consider the trip well worth it. We've had some eye-opening-out-of-our-comfort zone experiences. We've seen some incredible sites. We've met some really facinating people who've enriched our lives. And we've had a great time bonding as brothers and sisters in the body of Christ. (Perhaps that is the most rewarding of all.) I'm thankful for our time in Baltimore.

We had a great time exploring the National Aquarium in Baltimore. It was awesome! The only thing I can say is that Baltimore is home to about 2 million people, and I'm sure they were all walking around the Inner Harbor and visiting the Aquarium. *grin* Still, it was incredible and I had a wonderful time.

I'd like to write more, but I've got to go shower. Today is actually Sunday. We'll be heading back to Mississippi tomorrow.

More later.

1 comment:

Gayle @ thewestiecrew said...

I am so glad that you had a nice time there. :)
Praying for your safe return today.