Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Hands on learning...literally!

Some of you may remember that Cassie (DD16) wants to be an interpreter for the deaf when she grows up. With this in mind, I've really been trying to connect her with anything and everything I can to help her explore this interest. We've signed up for an online signing class, and we've toured the Mississippi School for the Deaf. (We're still waiting for word on whether we can volunteer there or not.) It seems like God is in on this whole thing too as He's made an interesting arrangement of His own. The mother of one of our friends is deaf. (I'll call the mom "L".) Because our friend recently had surgery, his mother has come to stay a few weeks. Last Sunday she taught Cassie some ASL (American Sign Language) signs for "Amazing Grace". Today "L", her daughter-in-law "C". and "C's" mom "D", came over for cake and coffee. (I've decided I still like the occassional tea-party even though I'm 43.) While my girls and I didn't get much done in the way of "book learning" today, we all had wonderful lessons in hospitality, cake baking, and ASL. Since none of us is fluent in ASL, it made for interesting conversation to use what we knew, plus lots of finger spelling and even paper and pen to communicate. Not only did we learn a lot, we had fun doing it.

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