Sunday, May 24, 2009

Will you do it? For Me?

I hear Jesus saying,

“Will you do something for me?
Will you make yourself vulnerable and love until it hurts again?
For Me?
Will you help My people see Who I really am?
Will you open the box so My people can at least see out of it?
Will you seek out, befriend, and disciple the few who genuinely want to grow in relationship with Me?
I know you wanted something else.
I know you’re scared of being wounded again, even before your last wounds have healed.
I know you want something fresh, new, and – safe.
But, I’m asking you to put yourself out these, take this risk.
Will you do it?
For Me?”

What else can I answer except, “Yes, Lord. For You.”

Today Siloam Baptist Church in Magee, MS voted unanimously to call Raymond (and our family) as their pastor. And though I'm not sure I'm ready for this I take a deep breath and say, "Here I am Lord. Use me."