Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Making Memories

On January 2, 2010 I didn’t jot down a bunch of New Year’s resolutions in my journal; I wrote a list of goals for the year. Looking back at that list I see I accomplished some (like reading more) and fell short on others (like losing ten more pounds). One goal that will be on every year’s list is making memories with my family. Good memories bind us together giving our relationships depth and meaning. They are places of refuge during troubled times and warm us through like hot chocolate on a cold winter day. Blessed is the family with a treasure chest full of loving memories.

Some of the most memorable moments come unexpectedly like a spontaneous snowball fight. (Or water balloons depending on the season.) However, the calendar pages fly quickly and I do believe we need to make intentional memory making opportunities. They can be as simple and inexpensive or elaborate and as pricey as you want or can afford. Traditions are also great memory makers. I have a friend who makes green pancakes every St. Patrick’s Day. Something simple, yet a memory her children will always think of every March 17th.

Here are some things we did this year:
· Played in the snow (In Mississippi snow in itself is a memory maker.)
· Had our own Super Bowl party and watched our team win.
· Had movie dates with my daughters
· Shopping with my mom and youngest daughter to find fabric for daughter’s curtains Mom would make
· Sing with daughters in church (Well, sing with oldest; sing while youngest does ASL)
· Cooked new recipes
· Read books together
· Helped daughters pick out dresses for their first formal
· Did ministry projects together
· Went to extra-curricular activities (Cassie’s first play, Kyle’s intramural basketball game, and Candace’s clogging performances.)
· Went on nature walks
· Played basketball together (Kyle won…I am NOT a basketball player.)
· Got taken on a birthday adventure to New Orleans by my hubby and girls
· Watched a caterpillar grow and turn into a butterfly
· Made lots of candles together (Candace is earning $$ for a mission trip.)
· Participated in my first flea market to help sell those candles
· Had a water balloon sneak attack on Husband (with girls’ help)
· Painted Vacation Bible School scenery and learned VBS songs with youngest daughter
· Picked blueberries and butterbeans with grandparents (Not in the same day.)
· Discovered the joys of geocaching with friends and with my dad (Lots of good memories with this!)
· Played laser tag with whole family
· Made a time capsule with whole family
· Watched for shooting stars
· Made egg custard pie with my grandmother then ate it
· Went to the Riverpark in Tunica with friends
· Went to the water park as a family

And took lots of pictures! In this digital age taking pictures is not very expensive. It isn’t even that costly to have them developed because you only buy the ones you know are good. Put these in an album however fancy (or not), and look back over them.

What memories did you make in 2010?
What ideas do you have for making them in 2011?